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Camps for Kids

Camp for Kids

This year, Milwaukee's Camps for Kids Program will award over 100 MPS students with a "full campership" to attend a weeklong residential summer camp in Wisconsin. This is made possible through a partnership with the Camps for Kids program.

Camps for Kids is a separate program from the MPS Overnight Camps program, which allows MPS students to attend free camps through an initiative is made possible by Milwaukee Public Schools' ESSER lll funding.

How Camps for Kids Works 

Camps for Kids was developed to send urban children to camp for the first time. Children are referred to Camps for Kids from over 25 agencies. Often times following the camp experience, the child and his or her family connect with a new agency for services that last longer than just the week at camp. For additional information about Camps for Kids, please visit their website.

Families interested in having their children attend camp must meet the eligibility criteria listed below and submit a completed application form. Selected campers and their parents/guardians are sent a letter confirming their scholarship and are asked to attend a Camps for Kids orientation to learn about the camps available this summer and to complete some additional paperwork. Several camps will be on site at the orientations to tell families about what they have to offer. Individual camps will require that campers complete an additional application form, which must be accompanied by the $20 commitment fee.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Students must be ages 8-15.
  • Have not previously attended camp through the Camps For Kids Program.
  • Live in Milwaukee County.
  • Family must meet federal income guidelines for Foodshare/SNAP, Wisconsin Shares Childcare Subsidies, or child is in foster care
    • Proof of enrollment/eligibility must be submitted to the camps along with camp application.

How to Apply

Please return the application form to Milwaukee Recreation by Friday, April 19, 2024. See below for application forms. Please call 414-647-6050 with any questions.

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Contact Us

Stacy Witters

Coordinator - Citywide Programs
Phone: 414-647-6056
Email: Stacy [at]

(When emailing our staff, please replace the "[at]" with a traditional "@" symbol. Ex:

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